About Me

Hi! I am Maria Juras
Are you ready to spread your wings and fly high?
Empowering people to access their strength and let go of what weighs them down, is what wakes me up in the morning with excitement.
For many years I wished I knew how to give up everything that weighed me down, but I lacked the tools. Then life brought me to my knees to find them, and I did. I became determined to learn how to change the way I FEEL and THINK to become the most POWERFUL and JOYFUL version of myself.
My highest value in life is freedom, being free from everything that prevents us from growing and enjoying life to the fullest.
Freedom, to me means that we are not dependent on anyone to feel good or better about ourselves. Activating our self-empowerment is a key focus in my training.
What makes my approach special is, that I put the emphasis on teaching you to create the change you are looking for, in a practical and independent way. My goal is that you can access your joy and strength without my or anybody else’s support.
Freedom is the source of happiness.
Break free, love life.

Maria Juras

Certifications, Degrees, and Experience
Since 2016 I support all age groups in their personal development.
Since 2011 I have been continuously trained in how to build mental and emotional strength.